SAP Serial Numbers

Welcome to the next tutorial of SAP PM course! In this tutorial, you will learn about SAP Serial Numbers and their use for serializing equipment in plant maintenance. We will show how to create serial number profile, assign it in a material master record, and create a new serial number attached to equipment. SAP […]

SAP PM Bills of Material

Welcome to the next tutorial of SAP PM course! In this tutorial, you will learn about SAP PM Bills of Material (BOM), its structure and functionality. We will be covering topics about the usage of BOM. At the end of this tutorial you should be able to create, change, and display BOMs. […]

SAP Equipment

Welcome to the tutorial about SAP equipment in Plant Maintenance module of SAP ERP. This tutorial is part of our SAP PM training. You will learn about equipment master data in SAP and the purpose of maintaining these details in SAP ERP. We will show how to create a new equipment master record, […]

SAP Alternative Labeling of Functional Locations

Welcome to the tutorial about SAP Alternative Labeling of Functional Locations! After reading this tutorial, you will learn about the concept of alternative labeling and its application to functional locations in SAP Plant Maintenance module. SAP alternative labeling of functional locations is used when a client wants to use a legacy naming convention […]

SAP Functional Location

Welcome to the tutorial about SAP Functional Location! After reading this tutorial, you will learn what is a functional location and its role in Plant Maintenance module of SAP. Also, we will show how to create new functional location, edit and display existing ones. SAP functional location is a multi-level, hierarchal structure […]

SAP PM Work Center

This module of our free SAP PM training course is about SAP PM work center. After completing the module about work centers in SAP Plant Maintenance (PM), you will know what are work centers in SAP and what is their functions in SAP PM module. Also, you will learn how to create, […]

I forgot to write down my RFQ numbers, how do I find them?

Problem: I did not write down my RFQ numbers, how do I find them? Solution:  When you created each of the three RFQ’s, you would have gotten a ten-digit RFQ number that would have been in the lower left corner of your screen.  If you did not write down the […]

What should I do if I receive a processing invoice error (red dot)?

Problem: I get an error (red dot) when I try to process the invoice (MIRO). Solution: Typical errors include the following: You did not yet process the goods receipt; therefore you cannot yet process the invoice.  You can verify this by running both ME2M, where you will see that there […]

How do I get rid of the extra line within a purchase order?

Problem: I entered an extra line item for my PO and did not realize it until I entered the invoice.  How do I get rid of the extra line in the PO so that when I run ME2M it is correct? Solution: The instructions (flash video) for deleting an extra PO is […]

How do I delete a raw material?

Problem: I tried deleting a material. Now there is a flag for its removal.  How do I process the deletion? Solution: You can not delete your material. You need to modify the material, you can do so with MM02.  If you forgot to create views, you can “extend” the material by running […]