Hello Friends, I want to share my knowledge with you all regarding the Pre-requisites of HR Implementation, as per my small knowledge and working experience in the SAP HR sub-modules i created the below document for quick checklist when ever any requirement from the Old / New Client to Implement […]
Full Final Settlement after 1 Month or after 1 year – Termination
Full and Final Settlement after 1 Month or after 1 year – Termination Advantages to create new control record Not to disturb Original Control Record which is used for processing payroll for employees To execute payroll for old month Disadvantages for not creating new control record An employee whose status […]
Off-Cycle Workbench In SAP Payroll
Introduction An Off-cycle workbench in SAP is a user interface that facilitates us to carry out off-cycle payroll and reversals. Off-cycle payroll runs are used to make payments to the employees outside the regular payroll run. Unlike Regular payroll run, there is no fixed date to execute an off-cycle workbench. […]
Payments after Employee Resignation
Hi Friends, I like to share one scenario recently done for my client, Employee Termination Action done so long back now they came up with some payments has to do for that Terminated Employee. Payments done through IT 0015 – Additional Payments Prerequisites: After Employee Resign / Terminated Standard Info […]
Step-wise Employee Loans configuration
Hi Friends, Hope every one doing well, i want to share one document for Employee Loans configuration. i know every one knows how to configure, please treat this document as a reference and give your valuable suggestions. 1. Adjust Value Date Table no. V_T506S Here, for your payroll area you […]
Employee Loan payments Posting to Different G/L Account’s
Hi Friends, I want to share with you how to post for Different G/L’s for Different Loan Types. if we have two or more Loan types and Client want it to Post to the Different G/L’s and lines items in the Employee Payslip. Configuration Steps: Creation of Loan types and remaining […]
Customer fiedls in payslip (PE51)
The printing of the payslip in the Payroll module of SAP (HR-PY) is performed through RPCEDTE0 report for Spain (with RPCEDTX0 programs in other countries, where X corresponds to the country, for example, P Portugal; U : USA, G England, etc.). The maintenance of the forms is from the transaction PE51, where we have different sections of receipt where we want to paint the display information to employees regarding their pay. Basically we have the following items in a typical form: For if we have the […]
Adding HRFORMS in Payroll Driver
Usually we access the HRFORMS payslip by the tcode HRFORMS after execution of the live payroll. In simulation mode the payslip we see is the PE51 payslip by SAP standard setting. The settings for the payslip in payroll driver are customizable and can be change to HRFORMS payslip. Steps […]
Payroll PCR for Employee Late Deductions with Grace Time
Introduction: In this blog I want to explain about a peculiar scenario, where a client wants to deduct salary for late coming hours in payroll. Employees are allowed to take grace time for first 2 occurrences of 0.5 Hours of Late in a full payroll month, and beyond that, the […]
Capturing Changes in PA Infotypes
This document will help capturing the changes in PA infotypes (specifically IT0000) pragmatically and show the results in an ALV output, The same procedure can be used to send the outbound file using OPEN DATASET statement. Configuration Part: For capturing changes in PA infotypes, SPRO configuration is as below: Go […]